Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences
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Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences
- Director of Development: Susan Graham
Email : Phone: 618/453-1764
- Fax: 618/453-4911
- Address:
- Southern Illinois University Foundation
1235 Douglas Drive
Mail Code 6805
Carbondale, IL 62901 - College Website:
When you take a closer look at the College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences, you discover there is more than meets the eye. Located in the Midwest’s agricultural heart and situated near 1 million acres of national forest, the college’s research and outreach programs are generating knowledge and disseminating results that add economic value and improve the quality of life for people around the world. We are proud of the more than 10,000 alumni who serve in leadership positions throughout the nation.
Our good work continues.
The college’s programs are impressive. Signature areas of excellence include human nutrition and wellness, soybean production, biotechnology and genomics, animal nutrition, renewable energy, weed science, rural economic development, outdoor recreation, water quality and forest resource management. Research faculty members continue to aggressively identify global problems and concerns.
The college is planning to move forward with strategic initiatives to create academic opportunities for students to be highly engaged in hands-on learning activities. These experiences may take place on the Carbondale campus, around the state or nation and could even include international opportunities.
You can partner with the College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences to provide these hands-on opportunities for our students. Your private support can fund scholarships or equipment and facilities needed for research. Also, you can invest in strategic initiatives by contributing to the college’s general support fund. Your partnership will provide a wide-ranging impact.