Health and Human Sciences

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College of Health and Human Sciences


Senior Director of Development: Steph Taylor
Phone: 618/453-4975
Mobile: 618/319-0408
Fax: 618/453-2262
Southern Illinois University Foundation
1235 Douglas Drive
Mail Code 6805
Carbondale, IL 62901
College Website:

SIU Carbondale’s College of Health and Human Sciences has a diverse and knowledgeable faculty, motivated and engaged students, and nationally recognized programs with healthy enrollment and high graduate job placement. This diversity is further reflected in the college’s wide scope of educating students ranging from associates to master’s degrees, whether they are on or off-campus, or via online programs. Additionally, our faculty are actively involved in the community through outreach and service-learning.

The college’s six schools – Architecture, Health Sciences, Human Sciences, Justice and Public Safety, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, and Transportation – work with industry leaders (several are dedicated alumni) to ensure students are provided essential skills to become future leaders. One example of this commitment is the new, state-of-the-art Transportation Education Center.

Since its inception as the Vocational Technical Institute (1950), CHHS has undergone a continuous change to address the workforce needs in the southern Illinois region, state, and nation. Therefore, it is a great place to partner and impact lives. The college has accomplished, driven, and self-made donors. Please partner with them so the college can educate the workforce for the next generation.