Arts and Media
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Arts and Media
- Development Officer: Lisa Knight
- Email:
- Phone: 618/453-4719
- Fax: 618/453-4911
- Office: Kaplan Hall, Room 224
- Address:
- Southern Illinois University Foundation
1235 Douglas Drive
Mail Code 6805
Carbondale, IL 62901 - Website:
The College of Arts and Media is dedicated to providing its diverse student community with state-of-the-art educational resources to foster critical thinking, research skills and hands-on production experience.
The college houses award-winning media outlets including WSIU Public Broadcasting and The Daily Egyptian, one of the premier daily college newspapers in the country that began in 1916. In addition, the annual Big Muddy Film Festival is an international event with competition screenings, documentary and narrative feature screenings, panel discussions and guest presentations of independent, non-traditional films. Also, the Global Media Research Center hosts visiting postdoctoral fellows, as well as regular speaker series and screening series to foster ongoing interaction between academic research and both creative and professional media practice.
Donors in the college realize they can make a difference with these exciting programs, and step up to do so. The college has enjoyed an enthusiastic response from our annual donors; you have also helped make strides in the area of unrestricted support. These funds provide funding for student programs and support special projects that might not otherwise be possible.
Your financial support and the confidence it demonstrates in the college allows it to continue providing quality education to the next generation of leaders in the communication fields. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. It allows us to provide these opportunities for students in the College of Arts and Media.