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Phone: 618/453-4900
Fax: 618/453-2262
- Address:
Southern Illinois University Foundation
1235 Douglas Drive
Mail Code 6805
Carbondale, IL 62901
Southern Illinois University Carbondale offers an education that is within reach for students with a desire to achieve. SIU Carbondale has a proud tradition of providing first-generation students with opportunities they wouldn’t receive elsewhere. Our history of student success can be attributed to providing access for a diverse group of students to a supportive, education environment. As a result, our students grow academically, personally, professionally and socially.
SIU Carbondale develops future leaders and transforms lives of those who are impacted by the campus-wide experience. This experience includes academic achievement, student engagement through extracurricular programs and activities and collaboration with faculty and campus leaders.
Help us keep big things within reach by investing in the lives of SIU Carbondale students.