Simmons Law School

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SIU School of Law


Director of DevelopmentKate Hanson
Phone: 618/453-7238
Mobile: 859/912-3063
Fax: 618/453-4911
Southern Illinois University Foundation
1235 Douglas Drive
Mail Code 6805
Carbondale, IL 62901
School Website:

At SIU Simmons Law School, we build leaders—students and graduates who each day make a difference in the lives of their communities, the legal profession, and the groups and causes that are important to them. We need you to tell prospective students about your law school experience, hire our graduates, and give back through your time and gifts. Founded in 1973, SIU Simmons Law School prepares lawyers who are committed to the public good. Your financial support allows us to provide bar preparation materials and scholarships to deserving students, as well as fund student organizations, clinics, faculty research, and technology upgrades. Support from alumni and community friends is an investment in the future of SIU Simmons Law School. Every gift is important as we continue to do more with less. Together we can make a difference. 

To mail your gift, please make checks payable to SIU Foundation.

Southern Illinois University Foundation
1235 Douglas Drive
Mail Code 6805
Carbondale, IL 62901

Consult your Human Resources department to find out if your employer has a matching gift program or search here. The impact of your gift may be doubled or tripled.

Below are descriptions of each fund that you may select from to support the Simmons Law School.

If the fund you want to support is not listed please click here to search for any Simmons Law School fund. Please be patient when searching for a fund.   

Congressman William Enyart Bar Preparation Fund: Provides support for recent SIU School of Law graduates who have just completed their third year of law school and are studying for the bar exam

James R. Williams Memorial Scholarship:  Scholarship awarded to a first-year law student enrolled in the Ethics Course demonstrating the highest level of integrity. 

Mock Trial Team Activities Fund:  Provides funding for the team such as travel costs to compete across the country.

School of Law Emergency Fund:  Provides emergency funding to School of Law students.  This may include but is not limited to:  funds to cover bar prep software, housing costs, childcare, or other emergencies. 

School of Law Facilities/Technology Fund:  Provides funding for facilities and technology to ensure the School of Law students and faculty have the technology and facilities needed to be successful. 

School of Law Special Events Fund:  This fund will provide the support to implement several events that bring the alumni, faculty, and students together. 

School of Law Strategic Excellence Fund:  Donations to this fund support a wide variety of programs and activities including student organizations, scholarships, technology, travel, supplies, and events.

School of Law Student Scholarship Fund:   Provides scholarships to benefit students in the School of Law.

SIU Law Library Operating Endowment Fund:  Provides funding for the operating costs of the Law Library which has evolved to meet the changing nature of legal research and user expectations by providing wireless access to a wide array of electronic legal materials. 

SIU Law Moot Court Fund:  Provides funding to help offset the costs of student travel to competitions. 

Suzanne J. Schmitz Bar Preparation Fund:  Provides scholarship support to law students who need financial assistance with Bar Preparation expenses.